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Company Details

Jurisdiction: New York
Status: Inactive
Date of registration: 31 Oct 1985 (39 years ago)
Date of dissolution: 11 Jun 2015
Entity Number: 1036723
ZIP code: 11206
County: New York
Place of Formation: New York
Address: 983 FLUSHING AVE, BROOKLYN, NY, United States, 11206

Contact Details

Phone +1 212-477-8791

Shares Details

Shares issued 200

Share Par Value 0


DOS Process Agent

Name Role Address
THE CORPORATION DOS Process Agent 983 FLUSHING AVE, BROOKLYN, NY, United States, 11206

Chief Executive Officer

Name Role Address
KATHLEEN KIRKPATRICK Chief Executive Officer 983 FLUSHING AVE, BROOKLYN, NY, United States, 11206


Number Status Type Date End date
1219919-DCA Inactive Business 2006-02-27 2012-09-15
0819124-DCA Inactive Business 2005-02-02 2006-02-28


Start date End date Type Value
1993-11-05 2011-11-18 Address 343 EAST 10TH STREET, NEW YORK, NY, 10009, USA (Type of address: Principal Executive Office)
1993-11-05 2011-11-18 Address 343 EAST 10TH STREET, NEW YORK, NY, 10009, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
1992-11-03 2011-11-18 Address 343 E 10TH ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10009, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)
1992-11-03 1993-11-05 Address 343 E 10TH ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10009, USA (Type of address: Principal Executive Office)
1992-11-03 1993-11-05 Address 343 E 10TH ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10009, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
1985-10-31 1992-11-03 Address 343 E. 10TH ST., NEW YORK, NY, 10009, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)


Filing Number Date Filed Type Effective Date
150611000327 2015-06-11 CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION 2015-06-11
111118002717 2011-11-18 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2011-10-01
091013002584 2009-10-13 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2009-10-01
071126002378 2007-11-26 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2007-10-01
051207002730 2005-12-07 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2005-10-01
031107002718 2003-11-07 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2003-10-01
011023002204 2001-10-23 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2001-10-01
991102002373 1999-11-02 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 1999-10-01
971104002002 1997-11-04 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 1997-10-01
931105002099 1993-11-05 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 1993-10-01


Date Inspection Object Address Grade Type Institution Desctiption
2024-07-18 No data 1 WESTCHESTER PARK DRIVE, HARRISON Not Critical Violation Food Service Establishment Inspections New York State Department of Health 10B - Non-food contact surfaces and equipment are improperly designed, constructed, installed, maintained (equipment not readily accessible for cleaning, surface not smooth finish)
2024-04-10 No data 480 BEDFORD ROAD, CHAPPAQUA Not Critical Violation Food Service Establishment Inspections New York State Department of Health 10B - Non-food contact surfaces and equipment are improperly designed, constructed, installed, maintained (equipment not readily accessible for cleaning, surface not smooth finish)
2023-11-27 No data 1 WESTCHESTER PARK DRIVE, HARRISON Not Critical Violation Food Service Establishment Inspections New York State Department of Health No data
2023-11-14 No data 1 WESTCHESTER PARK DRIVE, HARRISON Not Critical Violation Food Service Establishment Inspections New York State Department of Health 8A - Food not protected during storage, preparation, display, transportation and service, from potential sources of contamination (e.g., food uncovered, mislabeled, stored on floor, missing or inadequate sneeze guards, food containers double stacked)
2023-05-15 No data 480 BEDFORD ROAD, CHAPPAQUA Not Critical Violation Food Service Establishment Inspections New York State Department of Health 10B - Non-food contact surfaces and equipment are improperly designed, constructed, installed, maintained (equipment not readily accessible for cleaning, surface not smooth finish)
2021-10-04 No data 1 WESTCHESTER PARK DRIVE, HARRISON Not Critical Violation Food Service Establishment Inspections New York State Department of Health 11D - Non food contact surfaces of equipment not clean
2021-06-29 No data 480 BEDFORD ROAD, CHAPPAQUA Not Critical Violation Food Service Establishment Inspections New York State Department of Health 12E - Handwashing facilities inaccessible, improperly located, dirty, in disrepair, improper fixtures, soap, and single service towels or hand drying devices missing
2019-04-23 No data 1 WESTCHESTER PARK DRIVE, HARRISON Not Critical Violation Food Service Establishment Inspections New York State Department of Health No data
2019-04-01 No data 1 WESTCHESTER PARK DRIVE, HARRISON Not Critical Violation Food Service Establishment Inspections New York State Department of Health 16 - Miscellaneous, Economic Violation, Choking Poster, Training.
2019-03-18 No data 1 WESTCHESTER PARK DRIVE, HARRISON Not Critical Violation Food Service Establishment Inspections New York State Department of Health 15B - Lighting and ventilation inadequate, fixtures not shielded, dirty ventilation hoods, ductwork, filters, exhaust fans

Fine And Fees

Fee Sequence Id Fee type Status Date Amount Description
158066 LL VIO INVOICED 2011-06-29 600 LL - License Violation
753233 SWC-CON INVOICED 2011-02-14 9082.919921875 Sidewalk Consent Fee
867742 RENEWAL INVOICED 2010-08-27 510 Two-Year License Fee
753227 CNV_PC INVOICED 2010-08-23 445 Petition for revocable Consent - SWC Review Fee
753234 SWC-CON INVOICED 2010-02-24 8861.009765625 Sidewalk Consent Fee
753235 SWC-CON INVOICED 2009-02-18 8628.0595703125 Sidewalk Consent Fee
867743 RENEWAL INVOICED 2008-09-23 510 Two-Year License Fee
753228 CNV_PC INVOICED 2008-09-15 445 Petition for revocable Consent - SWC Review Fee
753236 SWC-CON INVOICED 2008-03-24 8669.4404296875 Sidewalk Consent Fee
753237 SWC-CON INVOICED 2007-04-12 8572.6904296875 Sidewalk Consent Fee

Date of last update: 15 Nov 2024

Sources: New York Secretary of State