Jurisdiction: | New York |
Status: | Active |
Date of registration: | 24 Jul 1989 (35 years ago) |
Entity Number: | 1370934 |
ZIP code: | 11412 |
County: | Queens |
Place of Formation: | New York |
Address: | 195-05 LINDEN BLVD., ST ALBANS, NY, United States, 11412 |
Contact Details
Phone +1 718-723-3967
Name | Role | Address |
%THE CORPORATION | DOS Process Agent | 195-05 LINDEN BLVD., ST ALBANS, NY, United States, 11412 |
Filing Number | Date Filed | Type | Effective Date |
940819000450 | 1994-08-19 | CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT | 1994-08-19 |
C036342-9 | 1989-07-24 | CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION | 1989-07-24 |
Date | Inspection Object | Address | Grade | Type | Institution | Desctiption |
2022-08-09 | MONTESSORI PROGRESSIVE LEARNING CENTER | 195-03 LINDEN BOULEVARD, QUEENS, 11412 | No data | Childcare Center Inspections | Department of Health and Mental Hygiene | There were no new violations observed at the time of this inspection/visit. |
2022-05-10 | MONTESSORI PROGRESSIVE LEARNING CENTER, INC. | 195-05 LINDEN BOULEVARD, QUEENS, 11412 | No data | Childcare Center Inspections | Department of Health and Mental Hygiene | There were no new violations observed at the time of this inspection/visit. |
2022-04-28 | MONTESSORI PROGRESSIVE LEARNING CENTER, INC. | 195-05 LINDEN BOULEVARD, QUEENS, 11412 | CRITICAL | Childcare Center Inspections | Department of Health and Mental Hygiene | Training in SIDS, Shaken Baby Syndrome and Safe Sleep practices Not provided to staff |
2022-04-14 | MONTESSORI PROGRESSIVE LEARNING CENTER, INC. | 195-05 LINDEN BOULEVARD, QUEENS, 11412 | CRITICAL | Childcare Center Inspections | Department of Health and Mental Hygiene | At time of inspection it was determined that child care service failed to take any and all necessary action to eliminate potential hazards. |
2022-04-11 | MONTESSORI PROGRESSIVE LEARNING CENTER, INC. | 195-05 LINDEN BOULEVARD, QUEENS, 11412 | GENERAL | Childcare Center Inspections | Department of Health and Mental Hygiene | Staff and volunteers obtain documentation showing immunization with 2 doses measles/mumps, 1 dose rubella, 2 doses varicella and 1 dose Tdap. Medical exemptions only. History of measles, mumps or rubella shall Not replace MMR vaccine except in presence of MMR varicella antibodies. |
2022-03-09 | MONTESSORI PROGRESSIVE LEARNING CENTER, INC. | 195-05 LINDEN BOULEVARD, QUEENS, 11412 | CRITICAL | Childcare Center Inspections | Department of Health and Mental Hygiene | Child care service providing care without a staff member trained in First Aid/CPR on site at time of inspection. |
2022-02-22 | MONTESSORI PROGRESSIVE LEARNING CENTER, INC. | 195-05 LINDEN BOULEVARD, QUEENS, 11412 | No data | Childcare Center Inspections | Department of Health and Mental Hygiene | There were no new violations observed at the time of this inspection/visit. |
2021-12-16 | MONTESSORI PROGRESSIVE LEARNING CENTER, INC. | 195-05 LINDEN BOULEVARD, QUEENS, 11412 | GENERAL | Childcare Center Inspections | Department of Health and Mental Hygiene | At time of inspection floors/walls ceilings were observed Not maintained; in disrepair or covered in a toxic finish. |
2021-10-28 | MONTESSORI PROGRESSIVE LEARNING CENTER, INC. | 195-05 LINDEN BOULEVARD, QUEENS, 11412 | GENERAL | Childcare Center Inspections | Department of Health and Mental Hygiene | Staff and volunteers obtain documentation showing immunization with 2 doses measles/mumps, 1 dose rubella, 2 doses varicella and 1 dose Tdap. Medical exemptions only. History of measles, mumps or rubella shall Not replace MMR vaccine except in presence of MMR varicella antibodies. |
2021-07-29 | MONTESSORI PROGRESSIVE LEARNING CENTER | 195-03 LINDEN BOULEVARD, QUEENS, 11412 | GENERAL | Childcare Center Inspections | Department of Health and Mental Hygiene | Commercial building regularly cleaned; kept clean and in good repair; kept free of overcrowding. |
Date of last update: 14 Nov 2024
Sources: New York Secretary of State