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Company Details

Jurisdiction: New York
Status: Active
Date of registration: 09 Jul 1993 (31 years ago)
Entity Number: 1740745
ZIP code: 11520
County: Nassau
Place of Formation: New York
Address: 156 E MERRICK ROAD, FREEPORT, NY, United States, 11520

Shares Details

Shares issued 200

Share Par Value 0


DOS Process Agent

Name Role Address
THE CORPORATION DOS Process Agent 156 E MERRICK ROAD, FREEPORT, NY, United States, 11520

Chief Executive Officer

Name Role Address
MIHAIL PAPAZIS Chief Executive Officer 156 E MERRICK ROAD, FREEPORT, NY, United States, 11520


Start date End date Type Value
2024-04-11 2024-04-11 Address 156 E MERRICK ROAD, FREEPORT, NY, 11520, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)
2007-07-18 2024-04-11 Address 156 E MERRICK ROAD, FREEPORT, NY, 11520, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)
2007-07-18 2024-04-11 Address 156 E MERRICK ROAD, FREEPORT, NY, 11520, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
2005-07-13 2007-07-18 Address 156 E MERRICK RD, FREEPORT, NY, 11520, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)
2005-07-13 2007-07-18 Address 156 E MERRICK RD, FREEPORT, NY, 11520, USA (Type of address: Principal Executive Office)
2005-07-13 2007-07-18 Address 156 E MERRICK RD, FREEPORT, NY, 11520, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
2003-07-14 2005-07-13 Address 3 WARWICK BLVD, ISLAND PARK, NY, 11558, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
1999-08-10 2005-07-13 Address 3 WARWICK BLVD, ISLAND PARK, NY, 11558, USA (Type of address: Principal Executive Office)
1999-08-10 2005-07-13 Address 3 WARWICK BLVD, ISLAND PARK, NY, 11558, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)
1996-01-24 2003-07-14 Address 2400 ST MARKS AVE, BELLMORE, NY, 11710, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)


Filing Number Date Filed Type Effective Date
240411001452 2024-04-11 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2024-04-11
130806002344 2013-08-06 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2013-07-01
110721002982 2011-07-21 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2011-07-01
090707003598 2009-07-07 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2009-07-01
070718002899 2007-07-18 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2007-07-01
050713002693 2005-07-13 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2005-07-01
030714002921 2003-07-14 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2003-07-01
010703002070 2001-07-03 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2001-07-01
990810002035 1999-08-10 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 1999-07-01
970721002464 1997-07-21 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 1997-07-01

Date of last update: 01 Dec 2024

Sources: New York Secretary of State