Jurisdiction: | New York |
Status: | Inactive |
Date of registration: | 23 Nov 1994 (30 years ago) |
Date of dissolution: | 28 Jul 2010 |
Entity Number: | 1870260 |
ZIP code: | 11201 |
County: | New York |
Place of Formation: | New York |
Address: | 50 HOYT ST, BROOKLYN, NY, United States, 11201 |
Contact Details
Phone +1 718-522-0888
Shares Details
Shares issued 200
Share Par Value 0
Name | Role | Address |
EDWARD TOSSON | Chief Executive Officer | 50 HOYT ST, BROOKLYN, NY, United States, 11201 |
Name | Role | Address |
EDWARD TOSSON | DOS Process Agent | 50 HOYT ST, BROOKLYN, NY, United States, 11201 |
Number | Status | Type | Date | End date |
1049765-DCA | Inactive | Business | 2000-11-13 | 2003-12-31 |
0963911-DCA | Inactive | Business | 1997-06-16 | 2006-03-31 |
Start date | End date | Type | Value |
1995-12-29 | 1998-11-06 | Address | 1629 EAST 56TH ST., BROOKLYN, NY, 11234, USA (Type of address: Service of Process) |
1995-09-22 | 1995-12-29 | Address | 665 88TH STREET #B20, BROOKLYN, NY, 11228, USA (Type of address: Service of Process) |
1994-11-23 | 1995-09-22 | Address | 665 88TH STREET, APTARTMENT B20, BROOKLYN, NY, 11228, USA (Type of address: Service of Process) |
Filing Number | Date Filed | Type | Effective Date |
DP-1859140 | 2010-07-28 | DISSOLUTION BY PROCLAMATION | 2010-07-28 |
050104002484 | 2005-01-04 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2004-11-01 |
021031002114 | 2002-10-31 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2002-11-01 |
981106002276 | 1998-11-06 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 1998-11-01 |
951229000524 | 1995-12-29 | CERTIFICATE OF CHANGE | 1995-12-29 |
950922000333 | 1995-09-22 | CERTIFICATE OF CHANGE | 1995-09-22 |
941123000034 | 1994-11-23 | CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION | 1994-11-23 |
Fee Sequence Id | Fee type | Status | Date | Amount | Description |
1415346 | RENEWAL | INVOICED | 2004-02-24 | 160 | Stoop Line Stand Renewal Fee, Fruit, Veg, Soft Drinks, Flowers |
1415347 | RENEWAL | INVOICED | 2002-01-15 | 160 | Stoop Line Stand Renewal Fee, Fruit, Veg, Soft Drinks, Flowers |
476599 | RENEWAL | INVOICED | 2002-01-15 | 110 | CRD Renewal Fee |
398275 | LICENSE | INVOICED | 2000-11-13 | 55 | Cigarette Retail Dealer License Fee |
1805 | LL VIO | INVOICED | 2000-04-18 | 600 | LL - License Violation |
241435 | CNV_SI | INVOICED | 2000-04-12 | 20 | SI - Certificate of Inspection fee (scales) |
1415348 | RENEWAL | INVOICED | 2000-02-15 | 160 | Stoop Line Stand Renewal Fee, Fruit, Veg, Soft Drinks, Flowers |
364493 | CNV_SI | INVOICED | 1998-04-29 | 20 | SI - Certificate of Inspection fee (scales) |
1415349 | RENEWAL | INVOICED | 1998-02-06 | 160 | Stoop Line Stand Renewal Fee, Fruit, Veg, Soft Drinks, Flowers |
1401694 | LICENSE | INVOICED | 1997-07-31 | 80 | Stoop Line Stand, Fruit, Veg, Soft Drinks, Flowers |
Date of last update: 01 Dec 2024
Sources: New York Secretary of State