Jurisdiction: | New York |
Status: | Active |
Date of registration: | 18 Oct 1996 (28 years ago) |
Entity Number: | 2076126 |
ZIP code: | 10021 |
County: | New York |
Place of Formation: | New York |
Address: | 414 E 71ST ST, NEW YORK, NY, United States, 10021 |
Contact Details
Phone +1 212-249-6612
Shares Details
Shares issued 200
Share Par Value 0
Name | Role | Address |
AHNA HOGELAND-PETERSEN | Chief Executive Officer | 414 E 71ST ST, NEW YORK, NY, United States, 10021 |
Name | Role | Address |
AHNA HOGELAND-PETERSEN | DOS Process Agent | 414 E 71ST ST, NEW YORK, NY, United States, 10021 |
Number | Status | Type | Date | End date |
2006291-DCA | Inactive | Business | 2014-04-15 | 2015-07-31 |
Start date | End date | Type | Value |
2007-01-17 | 2014-11-03 | Address | 414 E 71ST ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10021, USA (Type of address: Service of Process) |
2007-01-17 | 2014-11-03 | Address | 414 E 71ST ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10021, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer) |
2000-11-07 | 2007-01-17 | Address | 519 EAST 86TH ST, #5D, NEW YORK, NY, 10028, 7544, USA (Type of address: Principal Executive Office) |
2000-11-07 | 2007-01-17 | Address | 414 EAST 71ST ST, NEW YORK, NY, 10021, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer) |
1998-10-26 | 2000-11-07 | Address | 354 EAST 66TH STREET, APT. 2B, NEW YORK, NY, 10021, USA (Type of address: Principal Executive Office) |
1998-10-26 | 2000-11-07 | Address | 414 EAST 71ST STREET, 2B, NEW YORK, NY, 10021, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer) |
1996-10-18 | 2007-01-17 | Address | 414 EAST 71ST STREET, NEW YORK, NY, 10021, USA (Type of address: Service of Process) |
Filing Number | Date Filed | Type | Effective Date |
141103002054 | 2014-11-03 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2014-10-01 |
120110000487 | 2012-01-10 | ANNULMENT OF DISSOLUTION | 2012-01-10 |
DP-1836615 | 2010-01-27 | DISSOLUTION BY PROCLAMATION | 2010-01-27 |
070117002390 | 2007-01-17 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2006-10-01 |
050201002638 | 2005-02-01 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2004-10-01 |
030407002991 | 2003-04-07 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2002-10-01 |
001107002430 | 2000-11-07 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2000-10-01 |
981026002142 | 1998-10-26 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 1998-10-01 |
961018000226 | 1996-10-18 | CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION | 1996-10-18 |
Date | Inspection Object | Address | Grade | Type | Institution | Desctiption |
2018-01-17 | No data | 414 E 71ST ST, Manhattan, NEW YORK, NY, 10021 | Violation Issued | Inspectorate of the Department of Consumer and Workers' Rights Protection | Department of Consumer and Worker Protection | No data |
2017-10-19 | No data | 414 E 71ST ST, Manhattan, NEW YORK, NY, 10021 | Re-inspection | Inspectorate of the Department of Consumer and Workers' Rights Protection | Department of Consumer and Worker Protection | No data |
2014-03-24 | No data | 414 E 71ST ST, Manhattan, NEW YORK, NY, 10021 | Violation Issued | Inspectorate of the Department of Consumer and Workers' Rights Protection | Department of Consumer and Worker Protection | No data |
Fee Sequence Id | Fee type | Status | Date | Amount | Description |
2734800 | PL VIO | INVOICED | 2018-01-29 | 500 | PL - Padlock Violation |
2173850 | DCA-SUS | CREDITED | 2015-09-21 | 290 | Suspense Account |
2173851 | PROCESSING | INVOICED | 2015-09-21 | 50 | License Processing Fee |
2130723 | RENEWAL | CREDITED | 2015-07-15 | 340 | Secondhand Dealer General License Renewal Fee |
1652275 | PL VIO | INVOICED | 2014-04-15 | 1000 | PL - Padlock Violation |
1651887 | LICENSE | INVOICED | 2014-04-14 | 255 | Secondhand Dealer General License Fee |
1651892 | FINGERPRINT | INVOICED | 2014-04-14 | 75 | Fingerprint Fee |
1651893 | FINGERPRINT | INVOICED | 2014-04-14 | 75 | Fingerprint Fee |
Date | Outcome | Charge | Charge count | Counts sellted | Counts guilty | Counts not guilty |
2018-01-17 | Pleaded | BUSINESS IS ENGAGED IN UNLICENSED SECOND-HAND DEALER ACTIVITY: Observed signs | 1 | 1 | No data | No data |
2014-03-24 | Settlement (Pre-Hearing) | UNLIC.ACTIVITY:2ND HAND DEALER | 1 | 1 | No data | No data |
Date of last update: 30 Nov 2024
Sources: New York Secretary of State