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Company Details

Jurisdiction: New York
Status: Inactive
Date of registration: 17 Apr 1998 (27 years ago)
Date of dissolution: 26 Jun 2002
Entity Number: 2250730
ZIP code: 10010
County: New York
Place of Formation: New York
Address: 125 EAST 23RD STREET, NEW YORK, NY, United States, 10010

Shares Details

Shares issued 200

Share Par Value 0


DOS Process Agent

Name Role Address
THE CORPORATION DOS Process Agent 125 EAST 23RD STREET, NEW YORK, NY, United States, 10010


Filing Number Date Filed Type Effective Date
DP-1611674 2002-06-26 DISSOLUTION BY PROCLAMATION 2002-06-26
980417000710 1998-04-17 CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION 1998-04-17


Date Inspection Object Address Grade Type Institution Desctiption
2020-10-01 No data 2 E. 199 Street 10468, Bronx No data Commercial Bicycle Unit Inspections Department of Transportation The retail establishment makes deliveries by bicycle: "No". The company has a correct and complete register: "Yes". The business has a proper bicycle safety poster: "Yes". Properly equipped bicycle for delivery of goods: "Yes". Properly equipped bicycles: "Yes"
2019-12-13 No data 2060 ADAM CLAYTON POWELL JR BLVD, Manhattan, NEW YORK, NY, 10027 No Violation Issued Inspectorate of the Department of Consumer and Workers' Rights Protection Department of Consumer and Worker Protection No data
2016-02-04 No data 2529 7 Avenue 10039, Manhattan No data Commercial Bicycle Unit Inspections Department of Transportation The retail establishment makes deliveries by bicycle: "Yes". The company has a correct and complete register: "Yes". The business has a proper bicycle safety poster: "Yes". Properly equipped bicycle for delivery of goods: "No". Properly equipped bicycles: "Yes"
2015-11-08 No data 2 E. 199 Street 10468, Bronx No data Commercial Bicycle Unit Inspections Department of Transportation The retail establishment makes deliveries by bicycle: "Yes". The company has a correct and complete register: "Yes". The business has a proper bicycle safety poster: "Yes". Properly equipped bicycle for delivery of goods: "Yes". Properly equipped bicycles: "Yes"
2015-07-10 No data 2529 7 Avenue 10039, Manhattan No data Commercial Bicycle Unit Inspections Department of Transportation The retail establishment makes deliveries by bicycle: "Yes". The company has a correct and complete register: "Yes". The business has a proper bicycle safety poster: "Yes". Properly equipped bicycle for delivery of goods: "Yes". Properly equipped bicycles: "Yes"
2015-02-01 No data 2529 7 Avenue 10039, Manhattan No data Commercial Bicycle Unit Inspections Department of Transportation The retail establishment makes deliveries by bicycle: "Yes". The company has a correct and complete register: "Yes". The business has a proper bicycle safety poster: "Yes". Properly equipped bicycle for delivery of goods: "No". Properly equipped bicycles: "Yes"
2014-10-06 No data 2529 7 Avenue 10039, Manhattan No data Commercial Bicycle Unit Inspections Department of Transportation The retail establishment makes deliveries by bicycle: "Yes". The company has a correct and complete register: "Yes". The business has a proper bicycle safety poster: "Yes". Properly equipped bicycle for delivery of goods: "No". Properly equipped bicycles: "Yes"
2013-06-06 No data 2 E. 199 Street 10468, Bronx No data Commercial Bicycle Unit Inspections Department of Transportation The retail establishment makes deliveries by bicycle: "Yes". The company has a correct and complete register: "No". The business has a proper bicycle safety poster: "Yes". Properly equipped bicycle for delivery of goods: "No". Properly equipped bicycles: "No"
2013-05-12 No data 2 E. 199 Street 10468, Bronx No data Commercial Bicycle Unit Inspections Department of Transportation The retail establishment makes deliveries by bicycle: "Yes". The company has a correct and complete register: "Yes". The business has a proper bicycle safety poster: "Yes". Properly equipped bicycle for delivery of goods: "Yes". Properly equipped bicycles: "Yes"


Start date End date Type Satisafaction Restitution Result
2019-11-12 2019-11-19 Receipt Incomplete/Not Given Yes 0.00 Resolved and Consumer Satisfied

Date of last update: 30 Nov 2024

Sources: New York Secretary of State