Jurisdiction: | New York |
Status: | Active |
Date of registration: | 18 Sep 2012 (12 years ago) |
Entity Number: | 4297191 |
ZIP code: | 10017 |
County: | New York |
Place of Formation: | Delaware |
Address: | 100 Park Avenue, 23rd FLOOR, New York, NY, United States, 10017 |
Principal Address: | 100 Park Avenue,, 23rd Floor, New York, NY, United States, 10017 |
Name | Role | Address |
ACTINIUM PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. | DOS Process Agent | 100 Park Avenue, 23rd FLOOR, New York, NY, United States, 10017 |
Name | Role | Address |
SANDESH SETH | Chief Executive Officer | 100 PARK AVENUE, 23RD FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, United States, 10017 |
Start date | End date | Type | Value |
2024-02-13 | 2024-02-13 | Address | 100 PARK AVENUE, 23RD FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10017, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer) |
2024-02-13 | 2024-02-13 | Address | 275 MADISON AVE, SUITE 702, NY, NY, 10016, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer) |
2019-01-17 | 2024-02-13 | Address | 275 MADISON AVE, SUITE 702, NY, NY, 10016, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer) |
2016-09-16 | 2024-02-13 | Address | 275 MADISON AVE, 7TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10016, USA (Type of address: Service of Process) |
2016-09-16 | 2019-01-17 | Address | 275 MADISON AVE, SUITE 702, NY, NY, 10016, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer) |
2015-02-06 | 2016-09-16 | Address | 546 5TH AVE, 14TH FLOOR, NY, NY, 10036, USA (Type of address: Principal Executive Office) |
2015-02-06 | 2016-09-16 | Address | 546 5TH AVE, 14TH FLOOR, NY, NY, 10036, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer) |
2015-02-06 | 2016-09-16 | Address | 546 FIFTH AVENUE, 14TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10036, USA (Type of address: Service of Process) |
2012-09-18 | 2015-02-06 | Address | 501 FIFTH AVENUE, 3RD FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10017, USA (Type of address: Service of Process) |
Filing Number | Date Filed | Type | Effective Date |
240213000072 | 2024-02-13 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2024-02-13 |
190117060694 | 2019-01-17 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2018-09-01 |
160916006065 | 2016-09-16 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2016-09-01 |
150206006382 | 2015-02-06 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2014-09-01 |
120918000391 | 2012-09-18 | APPLICATION OF AUTHORITY | 2012-09-18 |
Date of last update: 25 Nov 2024
Sources: New York Secretary of State