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Company Details

Jurisdiction: New York
Status: Active
Date of registration: 09 Aug 2013 (11 years ago)
Entity Number: 4443326
ZIP code: 11208
County: Kings
Place of Formation: New York
Address: 640 ATKINS AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY, United States, 11208

Shares Details

Shares issued 200

Share Par Value 0


DOS Process Agent

Name Role Address
MEAT PALACE CORP. DOS Process Agent 640 ATKINS AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY, United States, 11208

Chief Executive Officer

Name Role Address
MANUEL RODRIGUEZ Chief Executive Officer 640 ATKINS AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY, United States, 11208


Start date End date Type Value
2024-02-06 2024-07-12 Shares Share type: NO PAR VALUE, Number of shares: 200, Par value: 0
2023-07-28 2024-02-06 Shares Share type: NO PAR VALUE, Number of shares: 200, Par value: 0
2023-05-05 2023-07-28 Shares Share type: NO PAR VALUE, Number of shares: 200, Par value: 0
2023-03-16 2023-05-05 Shares Share type: NO PAR VALUE, Number of shares: 200, Par value: 0
2022-12-08 2023-03-16 Shares Share type: NO PAR VALUE, Number of shares: 200, Par value: 0
2022-08-03 2022-12-08 Shares Share type: NO PAR VALUE, Number of shares: 200, Par value: 0
2013-08-09 2022-08-03 Shares Share type: NO PAR VALUE, Number of shares: 200, Par value: 0


Filing Number Date Filed Type Effective Date
220726000963 2022-07-26 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2021-08-01
130809000251 2013-08-09 CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION 2013-08-09


Date Inspection Object Address Grade Type Institution Desctiption
2023-01-31 MEAT PALACE 640 ATKINS AVE, BROOKLYN, Kings, NY, 11208 A Food Inspection Department of Agriculture and Markets No data
2022-12-21 MEAT PALACE 640 ATKINS AVE, BROOKLYN, Kings, NY, 11208 A Food Inspection Department of Agriculture and Markets No data
2022-09-27 MEAT PALACE 640 ATKINS AVE, BROOKLYN, Kings, NY, 11208 C Food Inspection Department of Agriculture and Markets 15F - Shelves in the warehouse food storage area have soiled surfaces.
2022-07-26 MEAT PALACE 640 ATKINS AVE, BROOKLYN, Kings, NY, 11208 C Food Inspection Department of Agriculture and Markets 12D - Personal bags and clothing were noted stored in the upper storage area and not segregated from food storage area.
2022-02-16 MEAT PALACE 640 ATKINS AVE, BROOKLYN, Kings, NY, 11208 C Food Inspection Department of Agriculture and Markets 10C - Floor in the warehouse has loose materials and dust.

Date of last update: 24 Nov 2024

Sources: New York Secretary of State