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Company Details

Jurisdiction: New York
Status: Active
Date of registration: 11 Jan 1978 (47 years ago)
Entity Number: 465468
ZIP code: 14850
County: Tompkins
Place of Formation: New York
Address: 218 N. APPLEGATE RD, ITHACA, NY, United States, 14850

Shares Details

Shares issued 200

Share Par Value 0


Chief Executive Officer

Name Role Address
MARY D. NOVICKAS Chief Executive Officer 218 N. APPLEGATE RD, ITHACA, NY, United States, 14850

DOS Process Agent

Name Role Address
THE CORPORATION DOS Process Agent 218 N. APPLEGATE RD, ITHACA, NY, United States, 14850


Number Type Date Last renew date End date Address Description
0371-23-332341 Alcohol sale 2024-03-19 2024-03-19 2024-11-30 218 N APPLEGATE RD, ITHACA, New York, 14850 Summer Food & beverage business


Start date End date Type Value
1994-01-21 2000-02-10 Address 218 APPLEGATE ROAD, ITHACA, NY, 14850, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
1993-04-01 2000-02-10 Address 218 APPLEGATE ROAD, ITHACA, NY, 14850, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)
1993-04-01 2000-02-10 Address 218 APPLEGATE ROAD, ITHACA, NY, 14850, USA (Type of address: Principal Executive Office)
1978-01-11 1994-01-21 Address 218 APPLEGATE RD, ITHACA, NY, 14850, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)


Filing Number Date Filed Type Effective Date
20200318062 2020-03-18 ASSUMED NAME LLC AMENDMENT 2020-03-18
20150728081 2015-07-28 ASSUMED NAME LLC INITIAL FILING 2015-07-28
140307002072 2014-03-07 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2014-01-01
120223002288 2012-02-23 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2012-01-01
100218002166 2010-02-18 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2010-01-01
060320002759 2006-03-20 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2006-01-01
040115002370 2004-01-15 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2004-01-01
020115002829 2002-01-15 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2002-01-01
000210002914 2000-02-10 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2000-01-01
980116002067 1998-01-16 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 1998-01-01


Date Inspection Object Address Grade Type Institution Desctiption
2024-06-24 No data 218 NORTH APPLEGATE ROAD, ITHACA Not Critical Violation Food Service Establishment Inspections New York State Department of Health No data
2023-09-25 No data 218 NORTH APPLEGATE ROAD, ITHACA Not Critical Violation Food Service Establishment Inspections New York State Department of Health No data
2023-09-06 No data 218 NORTH APPLEGATE ROAD, ITHACA Not Critical Violation Food Service Establishment Inspections New York State Department of Health 8A - Food not protected during storage, preparation, display, transportation and service, from potential sources of contamination (e.g., food uncovered, mislabeled, stored on floor, missing or inadequate sneeze guards, food containers double stacked)
2022-05-11 No data 218 NORTH APPLEGATE ROAD, ITHACA Not Critical Violation Food Service Establishment Inspections New York State Department of Health No data
2021-07-22 No data 218 NORTH APPLEGATE ROAD, ITHACA Not Critical Violation Food Service Establishment Inspections New York State Department of Health No data
2020-10-22 No data 218 NORTH APPLEGATE ROAD, ITHACA Not Critical Violation Food Service Establishment Inspections New York State Department of Health No data
2019-08-08 No data 218 NORTH APPLEGATE ROAD, ITHACA Not Critical Violation Food Service Establishment Inspections New York State Department of Health No data
2018-08-07 No data 218 NORTH APPLEGATE ROAD, ITHACA Not Critical Violation Food Service Establishment Inspections New York State Department of Health No data
2017-08-01 No data 218 NORTH APPLEGATE ROAD, ITHACA Not Critical Violation Food Service Establishment Inspections New York State Department of Health No data
2016-06-16 No data 218 NORTH APPLEGATE ROAD, ITHACA Not Critical Violation Food Service Establishment Inspections New York State Department of Health 8E - Accurate thermometers not available or used to evaluate refrigerated or heated storage temperatures

Date of last update: 16 Nov 2024

Sources: New York Secretary of State