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Company Details

Jurisdiction: New York
Status: Active
Date of registration: 24 Oct 2014 (10 years ago)
Entity Number: 4656135
ZIP code: 11219
County: Kings
Place of Formation: New York
Address: 901 46TH STREET, BROOKLYN, NY, United States, 11219

DOS Process Agent

Name Role Address
THE CORPORATION DOS Process Agent 901 46TH STREET, BROOKLYN, NY, United States, 11219


Filing Number Date Filed Type Effective Date
141024000510 2014-10-24 CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION 2014-10-24


Date Inspection Object Address Grade Type Institution Desctiption
2023-02-14 LITTLE MUNCHKINS PLAYGROUP 56, INC. 1460 56TH STREET, BROOKLYN, 11219 No data Childcare Center Inspections Department of Health and Mental Hygiene There were no new violations observed at the time of this inspection/visit.
2023-01-18 LITTLE MUNCHKINS PLAYGROUP 56 INC. 1460 56TH STREET, BROOKLYN, 11219 No data Childcare Center Inspections Department of Health and Mental Hygiene There were no new violations observed at the time of this inspection/visit.
2022-08-04 LITTLE MUNCHKINS PLAYGROUP 56 INC. 145 Rutledge Street, BROOKLYN, 11211 No data Childcare Center Inspections Department of Health and Mental Hygiene There were no new violations observed at the time of this inspection/visit.
2022-05-19 LITTLE MUNCHKINS PLAYGROUP 56 INC. 1460 56TH STREET, BROOKLYN, 11219 No data Childcare Center Inspections Department of Health and Mental Hygiene There were no new violations observed at the time of this inspection/visit.
2022-02-15 LITTLE MUNCHKINS PLAYGROUP 56 INC 145 Rutledge Street, BROOKLYN, 11211 PUBLIC HEALTH HAZARD Childcare Center Inspections Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Child care service/camp fails to comply with an Order of the Board or Commissioner of Health and Mental Hygiene.
2022-01-06 LITTLE MUNCHKINS PLAYGROUP 56, INC. 1460 56TH STREET, BROOKLYN, 11219 No data Childcare Center Inspections Department of Health and Mental Hygiene There were no new violations observed at the time of this inspection/visit.
2021-06-29 LITTLE MUNCHKINS PLAYGROUP 56, INC. 1460 56TH STREET, BROOKLYN, 11219 No data Childcare Center Inspections Department of Health and Mental Hygiene There were no new violations observed at the time of this inspection/visit.
2021-06-16 LITTLE MUNCHKINS PLAYGROUP 56 INC. 145 Rutledge Street, BROOKLYN, 11211 No data Childcare Center Inspections Department of Health and Mental Hygiene There were no new violations observed at the time of this inspection/visit.
2021-05-12 LITTLE MUNCHKINS PLAYGROUP 56, INC. 1460 56TH STREET, BROOKLYN, 11219 No data Childcare Center Inspections Department of Health and Mental Hygiene There were no new violations observed at the time of this inspection/visit.
2021-04-28 LITTLE MUNCHKINS PLAYGROUP 56 INC. 145 Rutledge Street, BROOKLYN, 11211 No data Childcare Center Inspections Department of Health and Mental Hygiene There were no new violations observed at the time of this inspection/visit.

Date of last update: 24 Nov 2024

Sources: New York Secretary of State