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Company Details

Jurisdiction: New York
Status: Active
Date of registration: 30 Mar 1936 (89 years ago)
Entity Number: 49176
ZIP code: 11370
County: Queens
Place of Formation: New York
Address: 70-01 ASTORIA BLVD, JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY, United States, 11370

Shares Details

Shares issued 0

Share Par Value 10000

Type CAP

Chief Executive Officer

Name Role Address
FELIX DEVITO Chief Executive Officer 70-01 ASTORIA BLVD, JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY, United States, 11370

DOS Process Agent

Name Role Address
FELIX DEVITO DOS Process Agent 70-01 ASTORIA BLVD, JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY, United States, 11370


Start date End date Type Value
1993-05-11 2002-03-18 Address 70-01 ASTORIA BOULEVARD, JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY, 11370, USA (Type of address: Chief Executive Officer)
1993-05-11 2002-03-18 Address MICHAEL DEVITO, 70-01 ASTORIA BOULEVARD, JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY, 11370, USA (Type of address: Principal Executive Office)
1993-05-11 2002-03-18 Address MICHAEL DEVITO, 70-01 ASTORIA BOULEVARD, JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY, 11370, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)
1936-03-30 1993-05-11 Address 22-14 71ST ST, JACKSON HEIGHTS, NY, 11370, USA (Type of address: Service of Process)


Filing Number Date Filed Type Effective Date
120420002837 2012-04-20 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2012-03-01
100402002599 2010-04-02 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2010-03-01
080313002570 2008-03-13 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2008-03-01
060207000706 2006-02-07 CERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT 2006-02-07
040420002616 2004-04-20 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2004-03-01
020318002518 2002-03-18 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2002-03-01
000412002109 2000-04-12 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 2000-03-01
980312002048 1998-03-12 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 1998-03-01
940324002781 1994-03-24 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 1994-03-01
930511003299 1993-05-11 BIENNIAL STATEMENT 1993-03-01


Date Inspection Object Address Grade Type Institution Desctiption
2014-04-10 No data 7001 ASTORIA BLVD N, Queens, EAST ELMHURST, NY, 11370 Out of Business Inspectorate of the Department of Consumer and Workers' Rights Protection Department of Consumer and Worker Protection No data

Fine And Fees

Fee Sequence Id Fee type Status Date Amount Description
332810 CNV_SI INVOICED 2012-03-06 80 SI - Certificate of Inspection fee (scales)
325597 CNV_SI INVOICED 2011-06-08 80 SI - Certificate of Inspection fee (scales)
318716 CNV_SI INVOICED 2010-03-18 80 SI - Certificate of Inspection fee (scales)
306764 CNV_SI INVOICED 2009-03-04 80 SI - Certificate of Inspection fee (scales)
303322 CNV_SI INVOICED 2008-09-09 150 SI - Certificate of Inspection fee (scales)
304137 CNV_SI INVOICED 2008-05-01 20 SI - Certificate of Inspection fee (scales)
106087 WH VIO INVOICED 2008-04-11 150 WH - W&M Hearable Violation
304130 CNV_SI INVOICED 2008-04-10 80 SI - Certificate of Inspection fee (scales)
294295 CNV_SI INVOICED 2007-08-10 120 SI - Certificate of Inspection fee (scales)
292706 CNV_SI INVOICED 2007-07-11 100 SI - Certificate of Inspection fee (scales)

Date of last update: 17 Nov 2024

Sources: New York Secretary of State