Jurisdiction: | New York |
Status: | Active |
Date of registration: | 07 Jul 1981 (43 years ago) |
Entity Number: | 709703 |
ZIP code: | 10128 |
County: | New York |
Place of Formation: | New York |
Address: | 1566 3RD AVE, NEW YORK, NY, United States, 10128 |
Contact Details
Phone +1 212-722-5360
Shares Details
Shares issued 200
Share Par Value 0
Name | Role | Address |
BONG JA KIM | Chief Executive Officer | 1566 3RD AVE, NEW YORK, NY, United States, 10128 |
Name | Role | Address |
THE CORPORATION | DOS Process Agent | 1566 3RD AVE, NEW YORK, NY, United States, 10128 |
Number | Status | Type | Date | End date |
1332113-DCA | Inactive | Business | 2012-03-14 | 2014-03-31 |
1047587-DCA | Inactive | Business | 2000-10-23 | 2013-12-31 |
0943709-DCA | Inactive | Business | 1996-08-14 | 2006-03-31 |
0785544-DCA | Inactive | Business | 1990-03-30 | 1992-03-31 |
Start date | End date | Type | Value |
1981-07-07 | 2007-08-29 | Address | 1566 THIRD AVE., NEW YORK, NY, 10128, USA (Type of address: Service of Process) |
Filing Number | Date Filed | Type | Effective Date |
110808002964 | 2011-08-08 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2011-07-01 |
090707002583 | 2009-07-07 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2009-07-01 |
070829002091 | 2007-08-29 | BIENNIAL STATEMENT | 2007-07-01 |
051206000102 | 2005-12-06 | ANNULMENT OF DISSOLUTION | 2005-12-06 |
DP-1113431 | 1994-09-28 | DISSOLUTION BY PROCLAMATION | 1994-09-28 |
A779554-4 | 1981-07-07 | CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION | 1981-07-07 |
Date | Inspection Object | Address | Grade | Type | Institution | Desctiption |
2014-08-06 | No data | 1566 3RD AVE, Manhattan, NEW YORK, NY, 10128 | Out of Business | Inspectorate of the Department of Consumer and Workers' Rights Protection | Department of Consumer and Worker Protection | No data |
Fee Sequence Id | Fee type | Status | Date | Amount | Description |
176101 | LL VIO | INVOICED | 2012-04-16 | 750 | LL - License Violation |
1122670 | CNV_IC | INVOICED | 2012-03-17 | 800 | Additional Vehicle Fee |
333568 | CNV_SI | INVOICED | 2012-03-01 | 60 | SI - Certificate of Inspection fee (scales) |
188921 | OL VIO | INVOICED | 2012-02-27 | 250 | OL - Other Violation |
199508 | WH VIO | INVOICED | 2012-02-27 | 50 | WH - W&M Hearable Violation |
996285 | RENEWAL | INVOICED | 2012-02-02 | 800 | Stoop Line Stand Renewal Fee, Fruit, Veg, Soft Drinks, Flowers |
477098 | RENEWAL | INVOICED | 2011-11-15 | 110 | CRD Renewal Fee |
996286 | RENEWAL | INVOICED | 2010-01-27 | 800 | Stoop Line Stand Renewal Fee, Fruit, Veg, Soft Drinks, Flowers |
477099 | RENEWAL | INVOICED | 2009-12-01 | 110 | CRD Renewal Fee |
110176 | LL VIO | INVOICED | 2009-10-13 | 450 | LL - License Violation |
Date of last update: 04 Dec 2024
Sources: New York Secretary of State